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Maximize Returns, Minimize Risk: Discover Our 
Proven Under-$10 Options Strategy

Join Now and Receive Your First Hot Options Trade Tomorrow!

Remember when you first started trading options? The excitement, the potential, the dreams of making extra money in a predictable way.

But then reality hit: the market's mood swings, sleepless nights, and the fear of blowing up your account. It’s enough to make anyone question if they're cut out for this game.

I understand because I've been there multiple times in my trading career.

What if I told you there's a way to recapture that initial excitement without the gut-wrenching stress? A way to consistently grow your account without risking it all on every trade?

It’s called the "Micro-Momentum" phenomenon—a little-known quirk in the options market that's been hiding in plain sight for years. While most traders chase the next big tech or blue-chip stock, a small group of savvy traders has been quietly succeeding.

How? By exploiting a hidden "sweet spot" in the options market: options priced under $10.

"Cheap options? Isn't that just gambling?" That's what I thought too—until I dug deeper.

These aren't your run-of-the-mill penny options. These are carefully selected trades with explosive potential, harnessing the power of "Micro-Momentum." It's like catching a wave right as it starts to build—too small for big institutions to care about, but perfect for nimble traders like us.

The results?

Our "Weekly Options Under $10" publication is designed to utilize a conservative bullish and bearish strategy with a short-to-mid-term holding period (so the capitals don't get tied up for a long time).

Options Under $10 is perfect for people who want a steady stream of simple, affordable options trade recommendations.

As the name suggests, Options Under $10 recommendations are for call and put options costing $10 or less.

Since an options contract controls 100 shares, that means you’ll NEVER invest more than $1000 on any one trade (not counting commissions, of course).

And the recommended trades you’ll get with Options Under $10– you typically get 2 to 3 every month – won’t tie your money up for very long.

You will receive specific instructions on how to enter and exit trade, so you are never left in the dark wondering what to do. 

That’s because they’re designed to get you in and out of your trades in 21 days or less.

(Sometimes we turn around trades in a single day!)

 Take a look at the accuracy of our "Options Under $10" program trade signals in last 11 Months (since Sept 11th, 2023). 

Total 25 Trades Signals. 18 Winners and 7 Loser
In Last 11 Months (since Sept 11th, 2023)
Average Return per Trade is over 09.50%
Even though we had great accuracy in last 11 Months (since Sept 11th, 2023), I want you to know that past performance is no guarantee of future results. Inherent in any investment is the potential for loss. The results are not typical and your experience will vary based upon your effort, strategy, business model, and market forces beyond our control.We don't make any future earnings claims. 

Here is what you get:

1. Real-time Options Trade Alerts

    Each of these recommendations are published in real time and valid for the entire trading day (so there is enough time to make decisions on the strategies).

    Each open trade recommendation will have complete trade details including Company Name, Trade Action (Call/Put - Buy To Open), Strike Price, Expiry Date, Bid/Ask Price and Limit Buy Price.

    Each close-out trade recommendation will also have complete trade details including Company Name, Trade Action (Call/Put - Sell To Close), Strike Price, Expiry Date, Bid/Ask Price and Limit Sell Price.

    2 new trades recommendations will be published every month.

    As a member, you get easy-to-follow instructions on strategies to enter and exit every one of these trades.

    … There’s no need to monitor trades…

    …An exit trade recommendation will also be delivered to your inbox and Web. 

    Here’s something else you should know…

    The targeted holding period for each recommendation will be a short term (so your funds don't get stuck for a long time).

    You will receive alerts on strategies for entering and exiting every trade (so you have confidence to make a move).

    You will receive the trade alert to your email. They'll also be posted on the "My Account" page for members. (so you don't miss the trade easily).

    You will have a detailed handbook to help you answer any questions and thoughts about this program. The Handbook will also provide information on how to manage risk while trading. (Your go-to guide).

    The Handbook will be posted in the "My Account" page for members.

    2. Real-time Options Trade Alerts in Your Email and Web

    • Trade Alerts in Email You will get real-time trade alerts sent to your email.
    • Trade Alerts on Web All trade alerts also get posted on the secure "My Account" page for members. 

    We give you all these trade delivery options so you’ll not miss any recommendations easily.

     For a limited time, you'll receive these exclusive gifts below:
    90 days of unrestricted access to ALL of my acclaimed
    Stock Research Tools, and Ride the Wave options technique valued at over $1,500, and the best part?

    It's absolutely FREE! 

    3. Our Most Popular Earnings Calendar

    With hundreds of companies announcing earnings on the same day, it’s extremely difficult to pick the right stocks to trade. 

    But the filtering tool that powers our earnings calendar solves that problem by instantly giving you all the fundamental information you need based on your search criteria:
    • Predicted Moves Based On Earnings (so you can accurately determine your risk-reward ratio)
    • Market Cap (instantly identifies companies you deem too small – or too big)
    • Average Daily Volume (an invaluable filter for options traders looking to reduce their premiums)
    •  Stock Prices (save time by eliminating stocks that are too expensive for you)

    4. Our Stock Screener Devoted Solely To Earnings

    This powerful tool gives you 3 years worth of historic earnings data for select stocks, plus…
    • Trading strategies you can use to consistently find actionable trade ideas from earnings announcements (along with detailed instructions on how to tailor these strategies for specific stocks)
    • Identifies select stocks that tend to move with high volatility based on earnings announcements (trade these stocks – and options on them) 
    • Earnings dates and times, predicted moves, estimated earnings per share and other critical information (use this data to quickly determine stocks with the highest likelihood of making big pre- and post-earnings moves)
    • Customizable filter that finds stocks with earnings dates based on your parameters (this eliminates wasting time on stocks that don’t fit your strategies)

    5. Notable Earnings Reports Delivered Straight To Your Inbox

    Every trading day at 5 a.m. Eastern time you’ll get alerts on notable earnings announcements, as well as at 11 p.m. Eastern time on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and at 11 a.m. Eastern time on Sundays.
    Plug into these e-mails and you’ll…
    • Never miss a notable earnings announcement ever again (this gives you a steady stream of trading opportunities all year long)
    • Trade earnings-related news more effectively (so you can save time)
    •  Discover predicted volatility as a result of earnings announcements for each company in these alerts (enabling you to plug in the right trading strategy for each)

    6. Our Proprietary Volatility Algorithm

    If you knew how much a stock has historically moved after its earnings announcement, you’d feel more confident to trade Options or hedge your current positions, right?
    • That’s exactly what this proprietary tool reveals. 
    • It works by… 
    Filtering a pre-selected basket of stocks to find the best ones to trade during an earnings season based on volatility at least three weeks before their earnings announcements (enabling you to trade non-directional options strategies no matter which way the stocks move)

    Historical after-earnings moves are also built into this feature (making it easy to find weekly options trades)
    • A Volatility Algorithm That Will Help You Find Weekly Options Trades Ideas On Earnings Announcements Like Clockwork
    You trade from this unique trading tool through our powerful options trading strategy, each of which is designed to trade on specific categories of stocks:
    •  Ride-The-Wave Strategy – Ideal for stocks that have been shown to move significantly in the days following their earnings announcements
    This Ride-The-Wave Strategy – and exactly how to play – is revealed at
    Grab A Options Under $10 Membership 
    And Get 3 Bonuses
    • BONUS #1
    • ​5 little-known trading strategies that will help you maximize your trade on earnings announcements. 
    • ​Tools and strategies for reducing risk with trades that have 45 days to expiration.
    • The best strategies for gap and momentum trades.
    • ​And much more!
    • BONUS #2
    •  The big mistake that causes traders to lose when they trade options.
    • Why options premiums increase into earnings. 
    • Why you should stay away from small-cap stocks when trading into earnings season.
    • How to read the “rhythms” of stocks (master this and you will able to easily identify the noise vs signal)
    • ​And Much More 
    • BONUS #3
    • Here you’ll see our tools used to make trades in real time.
    • How to use tools to identify consistent, actionable trades ideas (we show you strategies to find optimal entry and exit points, too)
    • How to factor in all the various fundamentals into your trades (without getting overwhelmed by them) 
    • How to use technical analysis to determine when to enter – and exit – all of our strategies (use these techniques and it will help you to take emotion out of your trades once and for all)
    Hiral Ghelani 
    Founder of StockEarnings
    "We developed a proprietary algorithm that gives you the power of accurate and timely earnings information so you can move fast...
    ...You're going to like your trading confidence"
    What our users are saying 

    “..........the strategies are solid.”

    I was having a problem pulling up a product. I called my rep but he was out sick. The *** called me that night. I was very impressed by this, I have been in customer service most my life and it is very rare you get this level of service. Not too mention the strategies are solid. I subscribe to all of them and my favorite is Pro Put Seller. Kudos to this company and its service level
                                                                                     - Gregory K

    " StockEarnings is a great resource for my trading efforts.”

    I have several subscriptions for stock and options trading. I took the leap of faith to try out StockEarnings too. I have been very pleased. In all of my subscriptions, there have been winning trades and losing trades... that is just part of the business. I know that not all of the trades I receive from StockEarnings are going to be winners. So far, the trades I have received from StockEarnings have had a much higher percentage of winners than my other subscription services. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. StockEarnings is a great resource for my trading efforts. Also, they are very attentive to responding to any questions I have and they are proactive in making sure I'm being successful with their service. That is refreshing as well.
                                                                                -Lamar L

    “ My experience with this company has all been positive………….”

    I am amazed that the ***************** has not accredited Stock earnings .com My experience with this company has all been positive.As long as you follow their instructions you will come out ahead most of the time. Their insistence of trading often and trading small looks out for the little guy in this current highly volatile market we are experiencing. ***** and ***** use an algorithm that closely monitors the market and advise you to never trade more than 4% of your capital to avoid any heavy losses. ***** follows up on a trade recommendation to see if you entered and the company wats you to be successful so we all can be one happy family.Being patient and trading often but trading small is their motto and it works for me as it does for them as well!
                                                                                 -David S

    “I find their staff very easy to contact, they care about how I do……”

    I have been a member of StockEarnings since Aug 2021. I subscribe to 6 of their stock alert services and usually get a few stock quotes a day in emails and text messages. I find their staff very easy to contact, they care about how I do. I find I do well with most of their suggestions. I get daily email listing stocks that have earnings coming out in the recent future. Thank You to ***** for his personal attention to me.
                                                                                                -Bonnie D

    “My experience with Stock Earnings has exceeded my expectations………"

     I have subscribed to many of the Stock Earnings products for more than one year and am very happy with my outcome. They understand and use proven methods and techniques to achieve results. Their Algorithms for stock are very accurate. Even when a stock goes against you, it's amazing how many times that stock will make a return back to profitability. They clearly understand purposes, objectives, practices and procedures for success. Also, they strive for maximum returns on investments. My experience with Stock Earnings has exceeded my expectations. ******* **
                                                                         - Patrick H 
    Frequently Asked Questions
    • How do I get these trade recommendations? 
      These real-time trade recommendations are sent to you directly by email. They are also available to be reviewed on the "My Account" page for members.".

    • If I am not always in front of the computer, is there any other way for me to get the trade recommendations? 
      We also provide SMS text messages service for all real-time trading strategy here at StockEarnings. You can have it easily added your account by contacting us.  

    • Is there any other detailed information about this program to help with my success?
      Yes, we provide a detailed Handbook about how to understand these trade strategy, that was created by StockEarnings. 

    • How do I manage the trade risk?
      One way we recommend that you manage your risk while trading in the market is by using only 4% of the total amount in your trading account.
      This gives you two benefits; one if the trade becomes a loss you do not lose your whole account. Two you still have the ability to take other trades if another opportunity presents itself.  

    P.S. Did you just skip to the bottom of the page to see what the deal is?

    • New options trade suggestions every month
    • A powerful earnings calendar that gives you predictive moves based on earnings and other key information.
    • A stock screener that gives you historic stock earnings data for the past 3 years
    • Access to a proprietary algorithm that helps you find weekly options trade ideas like clockwork
    • A primer on how to trade the powerful Ride-the-Wave strategy
    • Timely earnings announcements
    • And 3 bonuses (valued at $597) to take your trading to the next level
    Just click the button below right now to get started!
    Questions: Feel Free To Call Us At 1-877-678-6257
    (Mon to Fri | 9am to 5pm EST)
    Disclaimer & Important Information is owned and published by StockEarnings, Inc ("SE"). Their results are not typical and your experience will vary based upon your effort, education, strategy, and market forces beyond our control.

    SE is not an investment adviser or a broker-dealer. SE is not a financial adviser and does not provide any individualized investment advice. You should perform your own independent research on potential investments and consult with your financial adviser to determine whether an investment is appropriate given your financial needs, objectives, and risk appetite. Readers are advised that this publication is issued solely for informational purposes and should not be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any security.

    Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Inherent in any investment is the potential for loss.

    None of the case studies, examples, testimonials, or investment return or income claims on this site or through this service is a guarantee of any income or investment results for you. Trading in securities involves risks, including the risk of losing some or all of your investment. For additional SE disclosures and policies,  please click here.  

    * Lifetime Access is for the life of the program. This promotion is exclusively designed for first-time buyers only.