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Like Trades That Turn Around Fast?
Then You’ll LOVE Fast Money Trader

    Most traders are scared to death of market volatility.

    That’s too bad because volatility gives you plenty of hot trade opportunities.

    I'll get straight to the point...

    My proprietary algorithm is signaling a high-potential trade that will be sent to members of my Fast Money Trader service soon.

    While I can't make any promises, I'm very confident in the profit potential of this trade and am excited to share it.

    I want you to benefit from this trade.

    So, I'm offering you an unbeatable, no-brainer deal...

    My Fast Money Trader program is perfect for trading volatile stocks. 

    That’s because it features a volatility algorithm that reveals stocks that tend to go up or down
    sharply in response to earnings-related developments.

    Result – you get favorable trade opportunities that are blind to most investors.

    These opportunities can take advantage of BOTH up and down stock moves (allowing you to
    trade both bull and bear markets).
    How Fast Money Trades Are Determined
      It all starts – and ends – with me, Hiral Ghelani.

      I’m the Founder and CEO of

      I run mountains of data on hundreds of stocks through a proprietary algorithm I developed
      during my 16+ year career working for some of the biggest names in the financial industry (they
      include Bloomberg, Société Générale, and Brown Brothers Harriman).

      Then – using what I learned during my career – I conduct extensive analyses on my findings to
      determine investment recommendations worthy of your consideration.

      I do all this work myself – nothing gets farmed out to outside analysts.

      Result – you get a new trade opportunity based on my professional stock analyses every month.
      Here’s What Else You Get With Fast Money Trader:
      1. Real-time Trade Alerts

      Fast Money Trader sends trade recommendations directly to your inbox.

      (You can also access them online, as they'll be posted on your member "My Account" page.)

      These recommendations give you:

      Directions on whether to buy a stock or sell it short (enabling you to trade in bull and bear markets)

      The maximum entry price you should pay 

      This point is so important it deserves extra attention.

      Consider a recent Fast Money Trader alert to put in a limit order to buy Marathon Oil Corporation (NYSE: MRO). When we issued that alert, the stock was selling for $23.07. Had it gone lower before you were able to execute the trade, you’d have gotten the stock at the lower price – great, right?

      But of course the stock could have risen slightly from the time we issued the alert to the time you received it.

      No way we wanted you to miss that trade over a tiny rise, so we gave you a slightly higher price to consider.

      As you can see from this screen shot of that MRO alert, we set the maximum buy price at $23.40.

      Besides reducing the risk of missing the trade, that maximum buy price ensured you didn’t chase the stock and overpay.

      Helping you minimize your risk is a key to every trade we suggest.

      That leads to the next thing our trade alerts do for you…

      Where to set your stop loss. As in setting a maximum entry price, our stop loss suggestions help you minimize your risk (in this case if the trade goes against you).

      Going back to the MRO trade, we set a stop loss at $19.80 (as you can see below)…

      • The time frame your trade should be in force (example: GTC_EXT, which is “Good ‘Till Canceled With Extended Hours”), with close-out trade instructions.

      As you can see, we published a close-out alert that position six days after initiating the trade at $24.02, which resulted in a nice winner.

      Here’s something else you should know - there’s no need for you to monitor any of your Fast Money Trader positions (this gives you more time to do things you really want to do).

      Plus every recommendation is published in real time and valid for the entire trading day.

      Some recommendations also come with an analysis to help you understand our process of stock-picking.
      (That understanding will help make you a better trader.)

      As a Fast Money Trader subscriber, you’ll get a new recommendation every single month.

      And the targeted holding period for each recommendation is short (that means your funds don’t get tied up for long).

      Bottom line – with Fast Money Trader, you’ll be in position to trade earnings season, pre-earnings, and post earnings with confidence.

      (Sometimes we even cover trades outside of earnings.)
      Plus you’ll be able to make these trades in both up and down markets (giving you more trading opportunities to take advantage of).
      2. Downloadable Fast Money Trader Handbook

      This detailed handbook helps answer any questions you may have about Fast Money Trader.

      It also provides invaluable information on how to manage your trading risk…

      Reveals how various trading strategies work…

      Shows you how to read StockEarnings trading recommendations…

      Provides you with an expansive glossary of trading terms…

      All that’s just the beginning, as this essential trading manual gives you much, much more.

      As with your real-time trade alerts, it’ll also be posted in your “My Account” members page.

       For a limited time, you'll receive these exclusive gifts below:
      90 days of unrestricted access to ALL of my acclaimed
      Stock Research Tools, and Ride the Wave options technique valued at over $1,500, and the best part?

      It's absolutely FREE! 

      3. Our Most Popular Earnings Calendar

      When earnings season heats up, hundreds of companies can be announcing earnings on the same day.

      That can make it tough to pick the right stocks to trade.

      But the filtering tool that powers our earnings calendar solves that problem.

      It works by instantly giving you all the fundamental information you need based on your search criteria:

      • Predicted Moves Based On Earnings (so you can accurately determine your risk-reward ratio)
      • Market Cap (instantly identifies companies you deem too small – or too big)
      • Average Daily Volume (an invaluable filter for options traders looking to reduce their premiums)
      • Stock Prices (saves you time by eliminating stocks that are too expensive for you)

      4. A Proprietary Stock Screener Devoted Just To Earnings

      This powerful tool gives you 3 years of historic earnings data for select stocks, plus…
      • ​Trading strategies you can use to consistently find actionable trade ideas from earnings announcements (along with detailed instructions on how to tailor these strategies for specific stocks)
      • ​Identification of select stocks that tend to move with high volatility based on earnings announcements (trade these stocks – and options on them)
      • Earnings dates and times, predicted moves, estimated earnings per share and other critical information (use this data to quickly determine stocks with the highest likelihood of making big pre- and post-earnings moves)
      • Customizable filter that finds stocks with earnings dates based on your parameters (this eliminates wasting time on stocks that don’t fit your strategies)
      5. Notable Earnings Reports Delivered Straight To Your Inbox

      Every trading day at 5 a.m. Eastern time, you’ll get alerts on notable earnings announcements.

      You’ll also get these alerts at 11 p.m. Eastern time on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and at 11 a.m. Eastern time on Sundays.

      Plug into these alerts and you’ll…
      • ​Never miss a notable earnings announcement ever again (they give you a steady stream of trading opportunities all year long)
      • ​Trade earnings-related news more quickly and effectively (giving you more time to do the things you really want to do).
      • Discover predicted volatility for each company in these alerts (enabling you to plug in the right earnings-related trading strategy for each one)
      6. Our Proprietary Volatility Algorithm

      Options trading seems scary to many investors.

      But if you knew how much a stock historically moves after its earnings announcement, you’d feel more confident about trading options on it, right?

      That’s exactly what this proprietary tool reveals.

      It works by filtering a pre-selected basket of stocks to trade during earnings season.

      And it chooses these stocks based on their historic volatility at least 3 weeks before their earnings announcements.

      Historical after-earnings moves are also built into this feature (allowing you to find weekly options trades).

      How do you leverage this unique trading tool?

      Through a powerful options trading strategy you also get with your Fast Money Trader membership.

      It’s called Ride-the-Wave - an options technique that’s designed for stocks as a Post-Earnings Strategy. It targets multi-day price momentum following a company’s earnings announcement (EA).

      Armed with this strategy, you’ll have even more opportunities to trade on earnings announcements.

      And it’s yours free with your Fast Money Trader membership.

      Grab A Fast Money Trader Membership
      And Get 3 Bonuses

      BONUS #1

      • ​5 little-known trading strategies that will help you maximize your trade on earnings announcements.
      • ​Tools and strategies for reducing risk with trades that have 45 days to expiration.
      • The best strategies for gap and momentum trades.
      • ​​And much more!

      BONUS #2

      • The big mistake that causes traders to lose when they trade options.
      • ​Why you should stay away from small-cap stocks when trading into earnings season.
      • ​Why you should stay away from small-cap stocks when trading into earnings season.
      • How to read the “rhythms” of stocks (master this and you will able to easily identify the noise vs signal)
      • ​​And much more!

      BONUS #3

      • Here you’ll see our tools used to make trades in real time.
      • ​How to use tools to identify consistent, actionable trades ideas (we show you strategies to find optimal entry and exit points, too)
      • ​How to factor in all the various fundamentals into your trades (without getting overwhelmed by them) 
      • ​How to use technical analysis to determine when to enter – and exit – all of our strategies (use these techniques and it will help you to take emotion out of your trades once and for all)
      Hiral Ghelani 
      Founder of StockEarnings
      "We developed a proprietary algorithm that gives you the power of accurate and timely earnings information so you can move fast...
      ...You're going to like your trading confidence"
      What our users are saying 

      “..........the strategies are solid.”

      I was having a problem pulling up a product. I called my rep but he was out sick. The *** called me that night. I was very impressed by this, I have been in customer service most my life and it is very rare you get this level of service. Not too mention the strategies are solid. I subscribe to all of them and my favorite is Pro Put Seller. Kudos to this company and its service level
                                                                                       - Gregory K

      " StockEarnings is a great resource for my trading efforts.”

      I have several subscriptions for stock and options trading. I took the leap of faith to try out StockEarnings too. I have been very pleased. In all of my subscriptions, there have been winning trades and losing trades... that is just part of the business. I know that not all of the trades I receive from StockEarnings are going to be winners. So far, the trades I have received from StockEarnings have had a much higher percentage of winners than my other subscription services. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. StockEarnings is a great resource for my trading efforts. Also, they are very attentive to responding to any questions I have and they are proactive in making sure I'm being successful with their service. That is refreshing as well.
                                                                                  -Lamar L

      “ My experience with this company has all been positive……...........”

      I am amazed that the ***************** has not accredited Stock earnings .com My experience with this company has all been positive.As long as you follow their instructions you will come out ahead most of the time. Their insistence of trading often and trading small looks out for the little guy in this current highly volatile market we are experiencing. ***** and ***** use an algorithm that closely monitors the market and advise you to never trade more than 4% of your capital to avoid any heavy losses. ***** follows up on a trade recommendation to see if you entered and the company wats you to be successful so we all can be one happy family.Being patient and trading often but trading small is their motto and it works for me as it does for them as well!
                                                                                   -David S

      “I find their staff very easy to contact, they care about how I do……”

      I have been a member of StockEarnings since Aug 2021. I subscribe to 6 of their stock alert services and usually get a few stock quotes a day in emails and text messages. I find their staff very easy to contact, they care about how I do. I find I do well with most of their suggestions. I get daily email listing stocks that have earnings coming out in the recent future. Thank You to ***** for his personal attention to me.
                                                                                                  -Bonnie D

      “My experience with Stock Earnings has exceeded my expectations………"

       I have subscribed to many of the Stock Earnings products for more than one year and am very happy with my outcome. They understand and use proven methods and techniques to achieve results. Their Algorithms for stock are very accurate. Even when a stock goes against you, it's amazing how many times that stock will make a return back to profitability. They clearly understand purposes, objectives, practices and procedures for success. Also, they strive for maximum returns on investments. My experience with Stock Earnings has exceeded my expectations. ******* **
                                                                           - Patrick H 
      Frequently Asked Questions
      • How do I get these trade recommendations? 
        These real-time trade recommendations are sent to you directly by email. They are also available to be reviewed on the "My Account" page for members."

      • If I am not always in front of the computer, is there any other way for me to get the trade recommendations? 
        We also provide SMS text messages service for all real-time trading strategy here at StockEarnings. You can have it easily added you your account by contacting us.  

      • Is there any other detailed information about this program to help with my success?
        Yes, we provide a detailed Handbook about how to understand these trade strategy, that was created by StockEarnings. 

      • How do I manage the trade risk?
        One way we recommend that you manage your risk while trading in the market is by using only 4% of the total amount in your trading account.
        This give you two benefits; one if the trade becomes a loss you do not lose your whole account. Two you still have the ability to take other trades if other opportunity present itself.  

      P.S. To recap, with Fast Money Trader, you get a simple stock trade recommendation every month (sometimes more).

      • These recommendations come from my proprietary algorithm, which sifts through mountains of data on hundreds of stocks to find the best-of-the-best trade opportunities.
      • And 3 bonuses (valued at $597) to take your trading to the next level
      • Today you can save over 80% – on a one-year membership to this powerful trading program and FREE upgrade to Lifetime Access. 
      • So go ahead…
      Questions: Feel Free To Call Us At 1-877-678-6257
      Disclaimer & Important Information is owned and published by StockEarnings, Inc ("SE"). Their results are not typical and your experience will vary based upon your effort, education, strategy, and market forces beyond our control.

      SE is not an investment adviser or a broker-dealer. SE is not a financial adviser and does not provide any individualized investment advice. You should perform your own independent research on potential investments and consult with your financial adviser to determine whether an investment is appropriate given your financial needs, objectives, and risk appetite. Readers are advised that this publication is issued solely for informational purposes and should not be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any security.

      * Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Inherent in any investment is the potential for loss.

      None of the case studies, examples, testimonials, or investment return or income claims on this site or through this service is a guarantee of any income or investment results for you. Trading in securities involves risks, including the risk of losing some or all of your investment. For additional SE disclosures and policies,  please click here.  
      *Lifetime Access is for the life of the program. This promotion is exclusively designed for first-time buyers only.